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Gougère (Cheese Puffs)

Gougère (Cheese Puffs)

14 ½ fl oz Water
3/4 tsp Salt
12 tbsp Butter
2 cups High Gluten Flour
5 Eggs
4 ½ oz Emmentaler Cheese

Add water, salt and butter to a sauce pan over medium heat. Heat until butter is melted completely. Add flour and stir rapidly and vigorously until mixture pulls away from the sides and a smooth paste is formed. Remove from heat. Place paste in mixer fit with the paddle attachment. Mix on low speed until most of the steam is released. Add eggs one at a time and mix until fully incorporated before adding the next egg. Add cheese and mix until fully incorporated. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Fill a pastry bag (fit with a round tip) with mixture. Pipe uniform shaped rounds (about 2 inches by 2 inches) and space them 2 inches apart. Bake in 375 degree oven for 25 minutes. Pierce each puff with a pairing knife and place back in oven with door ajar for 10 more minutes to dry out the inside. Finished Gougère should be light golden in color with a hollow center.

Makes – 30-35 each

Disclaimer: All our recipes were originally designed for much larger batch size. This recipe has been reduced – but not tested at this scale. Please adjust as to your taste and portion size.